Get started


Please ensure you have a working installation before proceeding with this tutorial.

Hello Tesseract

The tesseract command line application provides tools to build Tesseracts as Docker containers from files. Here, we’ll use it to build and invoke a simple Tesseract that greets you by name.

Building your first Tesseract

Download the Tesseract examples and run the following command from where you unpacked the archive:

$ tesseract build examples/helloworld
 [i] Building image ...
 [i] Built image sha256:95e0b89e9634, ['helloworld:latest']


Having issues building Tesseracts? Check out common issues with the installation process.

Congratulations! You’ve just built your first Tesseract, which is now available as a Docker image on your system.

Running your Tesseract

You can interact with any built Tesseract via the command line interface (CLI), the REST API, or through the Python API (which uses CLI / REST under the hood). Try the commands below to see your Tesseract in action:

$ tesseract run helloworld apply '{"inputs": {"name": "Osborne"}}'
{"greeting":"Hello Osborne!"}
$ tesseract serve -p 8080 helloworld
 [i] Waiting for Tesseract containers to start ...
 [i] Container ID: 2587deea2a2efb6198913f757772560d9c64cf8621a6d1a54aa3333a7b4bcf62
 [i] Name: tesseract-uum375qt6dj5-sha256-9by9ahsnsza2-1
 [i] Entrypoint: ['tesseract-runtime', 'serve']
 [i] View Tesseract: http://localhost:56489/docs
 [i] Docker Compose Project ID, use it with 'tesseract teardown' command: tesseract-u7um375qt6dj5
{"project_id": "tesseract-u7um375qt6dj5", "containers": [{"name": "tesseract-uum375qt6dj5-sha256-9by9ahsnsza2-1", "port": "8080"}]}%

$ # The port at which your Tesseract will be served is random if `--port` is not specified;
$ # specify the one you received from `tesseract serve` output in the next command.
$ curl -d '{"inputs": {"name": "Osborne"}}' \
       -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
{"greeting":"Hello Osborne!"}

$ tesseract teardown tesseract-9hj8fyxrx073
 [i] Tesseracts are shutdown for Project name: tesseract-9hj8fyxrx073
>>> from tesseract_core import Tesseract
>>> with Tesseract.from_image("helloworld") as helloworld:
>>>     helloworld.apply({"name": "Osborne"})
{'greeting': 'Hello Osborne!'}

Now, have a look at the (auto-generated) CLI and REST API docs for your Tesseract:

$ tesseract run helloworld --help
$ tesseract apidoc helloworld
 [i] Waiting for Tesseract containers to start ...
 [i] Serving OpenAPI docs for Tesseract helloworld at http://localhost:59569/docs
 [i]   Press Ctrl+C to stop

The OpenAPI docs for the vectoradd Tesseract, documenting its endpoints and valid inputs / outputs.

Let’s peek under the hood

The folder passed to tesseract build contains the files needed to build and run the Tesseract:

$ tree examples/helloworld
├── tesseract_config.yaml
└── tesseract_requirements.txt

These files are all that’s needed to define a Tesseract.

The file defines the Tesseract’s input and output schemas, and the functions that are being called when we invoke tesseract run <funcname>. These are, apply, jacobian, jacobian_vector_product, and vector_jacobian_product. Out of all of the endpoints you can implement, only apply is required for a Tesseract to work.

class InputSchema(BaseModel):
    name: str = Field(description="Name of the person you want to greet.")
class OutputSchema(BaseModel):
    greeting: str = Field(description="A greeting!")
def apply(inputs: InputSchema) -> OutputSchema:
    """Greet a person whose name is given as input."""
    return OutputSchema(greeting=f"Hello {}!")


tesseract_config.yaml contains the Tesseract’s metadata, such as its name, description, version, and build configuration.

name: "helloworld"
version: "1.0.0"
description: "A sample Python app"

  # Base image to use for the container, must be Ubuntu or Debian-based
  # with Python 3.9 or later
  # base_image: "python:3.12-slim-bookworm"

  # Platform to build the container for. In general, images can only be executed
  # on the platform they were built for.
  # target_platform: "native"

  # Additional packages to install in the container (via apt-get)
  # extra_packages:
  #  - package_name

  # Data to copy into the container, relative to the project root
  # package_data:
  #  - [path/to/source, path/to/destination]

  # Additional Dockerfile commands to run during the build process
  # custom_build_steps:
  #  - |
  #   RUN echo "Hello, World!"


tesseract_requirements.txt lists the Python packages required to build and run the Tesseract.


The tesseract_requirements.txt file is optional. In fact, is free to invoke functions that are not written in Python at all. In this case, use the build_config section in tesseract_config.yaml to provide data files and install the necessary dependencies.

# Add Python requirements like this:
# numpy==1.18.1

The journey continues…

Now, you’re ready to learn more, depending on your needs: