Interacting with Tesseracts

Viewing Running Tesseracts

In order to view all Tesseracts that are running, you can run the following command:

$ tesseract ps

The output will be a table of Tesseracts containers with their ID, name, version, host port, project id, and description:

┃ ID            Name       Version  Host Port  Project ID              Description                               ┃
│ 997fca92ea37  vectoradd  1.2.3    56434      tesseract-afn60xa27hih  Simple tesseract that adds two vectors.\n │

The host port is the port used in the Tesseract address to interact with the different endpoints of the hosted Tesseract. The project id is what is used in the tesseract teardown command and will kill all Tesseracts associated with that project id.

Invoking a Tesseract

The main operation which a Tesseract implements is called apply. This could be a forward pass of a neural network applied to some input data, a simulation of a quantity of interest which accepts its initial conditions as input, and so on.

$ tesseract run vectoradd apply @examples/vectoradd/example_inputs.json

Where the example_inputs.json passed as input just contains the following:

   "inputs": {
             "buffer":[1, 2, 3],
              "buffer":[4, 5, 6],

Notice the @ before the filename in the command payload. This tells the CLI to read the file and use it as input to the Tesseract. You can also provide a JSON string in place of this:

$ tesseract run vectoradd apply '{"inputs": {"a": ..., "b": ...}}'

This can be useful for small input payloads, but it can become quite cumbersome very quickly.

Make sure that the Tesseract is running as a service (docker ps). Otherwise, launch it via tesseract serve vectoradd.

You can then simply curl its /apply endpoint

$ curl http://<tesseract-address>:<port>/apply \ # Replace with actual address
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @examples/vectoradd/example_inputs.json

Where the payload example_inputs.json we POST to the /apply endpoint is the following:

   "inputs": {
             "buffer":[1, 2, 3],
              "buffer":[4, 5, 6],
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from tesseract_core import Tesseract
>>> a = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
>>> b = np.array([4.0, 5.0, 6.0])
>>> with Tesseract.from_image(image="vectoradd") as vectoradd:
>>>     vectoradd.apply({"a": a, "b": b})
{'result': array([5., 7., 9.])}

The Tesseract context manager will spin up a Tesseract locally, and tear it down once the context is exited.


You can also instantiate a Tesseract object which connects to a remote Tesseract via Tesseract(url=...).```

This Tesseract, which accepts two vectors, is returning an object which has the vector sum a + b in the result output field.

If the Tesseract you are using is differentiable, the endpoints which return derivatives can be called in a similar fashion; for instance, here is how one would calculate the Jacobian of the result output field, partial only on the a vector, at \(a = (1,2,3)\), \(b = (4,5,6)\):

$ tesseract run vectoradd jacobian @examples/vectoradd/example_jacobian_inputs.json
$ curl -d @examples/vectoradd/example_jacobian_inputs.json \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Notice that the payload we posted contains information about which inputs and outputs we want to consider when computing derivatives:

   "inputs": {
          "object_type": "array",
             "buffer":[1, 2, 3],
              "buffer":[4, 5, 6],
   "jac_inputs": ["a"],
   "jac_outputs": ["result"]
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from tesseract_core import Tesseract
>>> a = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
>>> b = np.array([4.0, 5.0, 6.0])
>>> with Tesseract.from_image("vectoradd") as vectoradd:
>>>     vectoradd.jacobian({"a": a, "b": b}, jac_inputs=["a"], jac_outputs=["result"])
{'result': {'a': array([[1., 0., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0.],
       [0., 0., 1.]])}}

Now the output is a 3x3 matrix, as expected.

To know which endpoints among jacobian, jacobian_vector_product, or vector_jacobian_product are available in a given Tesseract, you can check which commands appear in tesseract run <tesseract-name>[:tag] --help, or look at the docs at the /docs endpoint of a running Tesseract service (or use tesseract apidoc).

Input and output schemas

As they wrap arbitrary computation, each Tesseract has a unique input/output signature. To make it easier to programmatically know each specific Tesseract’s input and output schema, you can use the following:

For the input schema:

$ tesseract run vectoradd input-schema

For the output schema:

$ tesseract run vectoradd output-schema

For the input schema:

$ curl <tesseract-address>:<port>/input_schema

For the output schema:

$ curl <tesseract-address>:<port>/output_schema

For the input schema:

>>> from tesseract_core import Tesseract
>>> with Tesseract(image="vectoradd") as vectoradd:
>>>     vectoradd.input_schema

For the output schema:

>>> from tesseract_core import Tesseract
>>> with Tesseract(image="vectoradd") as vectoradd:
>>>     vectoradd.output_schema

Schemas are returned in the JSON Schema format, which is intended for programmatic parsing rather than human readability. If you want a more human-readable version of the schema, your best option is instead to look at the docs in the /docs endpoint of a Tesseract service.

The schemas returned by the command above are the ones of the /apply endpoint. The schema for differential endpoints, like jacobian, are derived from it – see the page on Autodiff for more details.

You can also get the OpenAPI schema for the whole API of each Tesseract via:

$ tesseract run vectoradd openapi-schema
$ curl <tesseract-address>:<port>/openapi.json
>>> from tesseract_core import Tesseract
>>> with Tesseract(image="vectoradd") as vectoradd:
>>>     vectoradd.openapi_schema

If you only care about which endpoints are available, you can use the available_endpoints attribute:

>>> with Tesseract(image="vectoradd") as vectoradd:
>>>     vectoradd.available_endpoints
['apply', 'jacobian', 'health', 'input_schema', 'output_schema', 'abstract_eval']